Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Confidentiality and Minors

Confidentiality is an essential component to the counseling process. It allows for the client to build a trustful relationship with the counselor. â€Å" Counselors regard the promise of confidentiality to be essential for the development of client trust† (Glosoff & Pate, 2002). Most individuals that seek counseling services assume that what is discussed in the counseling sessions with the counselor will be kept in confidence with limited exceptions. These exceptions become a complex balancing act for the counselor especially when their clients are minors. Confidentiality is a widely held ethical standard a variously accorded legal right of clients and responsibility of counselors (American Counseling Association, 2005: American School Counseling Association, 2010). According to the Ethical Standards for School Counselors and the Code of Ethics and Standards for Counseling (2010), both specify that counselors are ethically required to take appropriate action and breach confide ntiality in certain circumstances involving minors.Counselors are required to breach confidentiality if there is imminent danger to self and others, if there is suspected child abuse or neglect or to protect a vulnerable client from danger. There are other limitations to confidentiality and minors as well. Some of these limitations involve parents and their right to know what is happening in counseling sessions between the therapist and their child.This problem is one that schools counselors and clinical therapists must face when counseling minors. Counselors in both clinical and school settings are faced with ethical issues with regards to confidentiality each time they encounter a client that is a minor. School Counselors have a variety of roles and responsibilities to students, teachers, parents and administrators (Iyer, McGregor & Connor, 2010).According to the American School Counseling Association (2004), it is the responsibility of the school counselor to help a child develop effective coping skills, identify personal strengths and assets, recognize and express feelings and provide a foundation for the child’s personal and social growth as he or she progresses from school to adulthood as apart of the process. School Counselors must collaborate with all persons involved with the minor in this process, which usually includes the parents and teachers. SchoolCounselors are also sometimes asked to be apart of child study teams within the school, which can be very beneficial to the students and those involved in their lives. School Counselors must follow the American School Counseling Association’s ethical standards for School Counselors regarding confidentiality. In beginning sessions between the client and the school counselor confidentiality should be discussed and the conditions in which it may have to be breached. According to Lazovsky (2010), The management of student confidentiality has been described as the primary ethical dilemma of sch ool counselors.There are various ethical and legal issues that arise for School Counselors when dealing with confidentiality. School Counselors are required ethically to report when a student engages in clear and imminent danger to themselves or others. Some school counselors base their decision to breach confidentiality on how imminent the danger is that is being presented by the situation. â€Å"Most counselors would agree parents should be informed of drug experimentation by an 8 year old. Many however, would disagree to tell parents that a 16 year old client reported occasional experimentation with marijuana† (Glosoff & Pate, 2002).This example shows that school counselors should use discretion when deciding to breach confidentiality. These two minor clients are different but each situation has a variety of ways that it could be handled. According to Lazovky (2008), school counselors are advised to consult with supervisors and colleagues before making decisions based on b reaching confidentiality. They should also know their state policies and laws in the school jurisdiction. Another ethical and legal issue that can arise for school counselors counseling minors in relation to confidentiality is the disclosure of student provided information to parents.Privileged communication is apart of confidentiality. Privileged communication allows for clients to ask counselors to keep their communications and records of their counseling sessions confidential. Privilege belongs to the client and the counselor asserts privilege for the client. According to Glosoff (2002), the already complex issue of privileges communication for school counselors is made even more complex by who has the privilege when counseling a minor. Parents of minors rather than minor clients are assumed to control privilege. School Counselors are sometimes subpoenaed for court appearances when the parent’s do not agree on whether the counselors presence is necessary in the testimony o r a parental custody dispute may be the heart of the legal proceeding. The ACA and ASCA recognize that school counselors have limits to their ability to protect client confidences. School Counselors must not only be mindful of their ethical duties but cooperate with any laws that that apply to them as well. The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) establishes that parents control the rights of students under the age of 18 (Iyer, McGregor & Connor, 2010).This includes any of the student’s records such as grades, awards and date of birth. Decisions about the release of these records are based under exceptions under FERPA and also the parent’s consent. However, most records regarding the student are held in safe places where other school officials do not have or need access. Another law that school counselors must keep in mind is HIPAA. This law was enacted to protect patient’s health information. In relation to school counselors, the student’s me dical records are being protected. The issue of confidentiality in Child Study Teams has become an ethical dilemma for many school counselors.The school counselor must decide on what to disclose and what information to inquire about based on each member’s rights and responsibilities. Deciding what to reveal and what to keep confidential can be a hard and difficult task for school counselors. Clinical Therapists face many ethical and legal issues with regards to confidentiality as well. Clinical Therapists are different from School Counselors in their role with minors because the only stakeholder involved with the therapist in most cases is the parent. According to Ellis (2009), minor’s right to confidentiality is an area at times, which ethics and the law are in conflict.One of these ethical dilemmas arises in the area client privilege. In the case of minors, this privilege extends to the parents who act as representatives to their dependent children. Clinical Therapis t struggle with maintaining confidentiality for their minor clients especially when the law is on the side of the parents because they have the right to know. Stone & Issacs (2003) suggest that in order to deal with ethical issues regarding confidentiality and minors therapists should prepare a written professional services agreement which provides details on the limits and conditions of confidentiality.At this point the parent can be involved in their child’s treatment in various ways. One of the ways that parents can be involved is through periodical family sessions. In the clinical counseling setting, there are often conflicts between duties of confidentiality and the need to share information with parents or other agencies that provide care for a child or adolescent. There can also be ethical conflicts between duties of confidentiality, grounded in respect for patient autonomy, and both statutory and moral obligations to report child abuse, which are grounded in duties of care and protection (Kaplan, 2005).One issue which troubles some clinical therapists is a statutory obligation to report consensual sexual relationships that adolescents are engaged in with adults irrespective of whether they are clinically judged to be abusive, because they can be framed in many child protection statutes or guidance as constituting abuse. (Ellis, 2009). There are some similarities between confidentiality and counseling minors in both school and clinical settings. One similarity is that in both settings counselors must follow the same ethical guidelines for breaching confidentiality.Breaching confidentiality is allowed by ethical codes in special or extreme circumstances (Lazovsky, 2008). In both settings counselors must carefully deliberate over the circumstances that are presented to them by the minor client in the counseling sessions. The counselor should then decide whether or not to breach confidentiality. This ethical dilemma is a difficult issue that many co unselors are faced with in both clinical and school settings.Another similarity between counseling minors in both school and clinical settings is that counselors must often consult with other staff members in both settings for the benefit of the children that they serve. It is important for counselors to educate other non-mental health staff members that they must keep confidential any personal information they learn about children as a result of their professional positions (Rehmley & Herley, 2010). If any information were to be disclosed outside of the school or clinical settings, it could be lead to grounds for a lawsuit.There are some differences between confidentiality and counseling minors in both school and clinical settings as well. One difference is that counselors in clinical settings encounter fewer ethical issues around confidentiality and minors because parents usually have given legal consent for the counselor to work with the client. However in the school setting, Reh mley & Herley (2010) state that the counselor often does not have a legal obligation to obtain parental permission before counseling students unless there is a federal or state statute to the contrary.Another difference between confidentiality and minors in the school and clinical setting is in the clinical setting the counseling process may be limited to the counselor, the minor client and the parents. Most minor clients who are placed in clinical treatment facilities will be unable to make crucial decisions for themselves. The privilege of informed consent will be given to the parent and the parent will operate in the child’s best interests (Glosoff & Pate, 2002). Counselors in both clinical and school settings find the ethical and legal issues of confidentiality difficult because there are constant conflicts between the law and ethics.One issue that counselors find causes tension between law and ethics is whether children have the right to enter into a counseling relations hip without parental consent. According to Rehmley & Herley (2010), every child has a moral right to privacy in the counseling relationship. Kaplan (2005) believes that children should have the same rights to confidentiality as adult clients. However, counselors constantly struggle between the ethical obligation of privacy to their minor clients and their legal obligation to the parents of the same minor clients to keep their child protected and safe.There are some ways that counselors are able to deal with these ethical and legal dilemmas regarding confidentiality and minors. One recommendation that was made by Iyer, Baxter-McGregor & Connor (2010) is to develop and maintain a strong informed consent policy. Informed consent is a process that is an ongoing process and should begin before the counseling process begins. According to Glosoff & Pate (2002), it is beneficial in both settings to develop a written informed consent policy so that it can be given to parents and anyone else who is involved in the clients counseling process.This is beneficial because all parties involved in the process will know about confidentiality and also what to expect. Another recommendation that was suggested by Iyer, Baxter-McGregor & Connor (2010) is to educate all members that are involved in the minor client’s counseling process about the importance of confidentiality. In this way there will be a reduction in the likelihood of difficult situations posed by ethical dilemmas developing in the first place. An explanation of confidentiality would be a great addition to an orientation to parents, teachers or other non-mental health professionals.They would know what to expect with regards to confidentiality in counseling sessions with minors. Another suggestion that was discussed in the literature in relation to ethical and legal dilemmas regarding confidentiality and minors is to send out educational newsletters and emails. This suggestion takes a proactive stance towards the ethical and legal issue of confidentiality and minors and it helps to avoid the possible ethical dilemma before it occurs (Glosoff &Pate, 2002).Some possible items that could be included in these newsletters or emails may be a definition of confidentiality, one’s informed consent policy, state regulations or law’s regarding confidentiality and a summary of ASCA’s and ACA’s ethics statements for counselors. Lastly, another suggestion that was discussed in the literature in relation to ethical and legal dilemmas regarding confidentiality and minors is for counselors to develop a strong network of professionals that counselors can confide in and ask advice when they encounter an ethical dilemma (Iyer, Baxter-McGregor & Connor 2010; Glosoff & Pate, 2002).This network may include school psychologists, local psychologists, counseling professionals and any who works within a similar field. According to Iyer, Baxter-McGregor & Connor (2010), a counselor may u se a common framework such Kitchener’s five moral principles regarding ethical decision making. The five moral principal’s are autonomy, justice (fairness), beneficence (doing good), non-maleficence (doing no harm) and fidelity (keeping promises).Another ethical decision making model that can be followed is by Forester-Miller and Davis which is to 1) Identify the problem, 2) Apply one’s professional code of ethics, 3) Determine the nature and decisions of the dilemma, 4) Generate potential courses of action, 5) Consider the potential consequences of all options and choose a course of action 6) Evaluate the selected course of action and 7) Implement the course of action. Counselors in both clinical and school setting have a tremendous amount of responsibility to uphold when they are counseling minors.The ethical and legal issues that arise for this group can sometimes differ and also be contradictory to each other. It is the responsibility of the counselors to pr epare themselves and all parties involved in the counseling process with the knowledge that is necessary in regards to confidentiality and minors. In many cases when the counselor is left to choose the right course of action in regards to confidentiality, the outcome will inevitable benefit the client. References American Counseling Association. (2005). Code of ethics and standards of practice (Rev. ed. ) Alexandria, VA: Author.American School Counselor Association. (2010). Ethical standards for school counselors. Retrieved from http://www. schoolcounselor. org/content. asp? contentid=17 Barnett, J. E. (2008). The ethical practice of psychotherapy: Easily within our reach. Journal Of Clinical Psychology, 64(5), 569-575. doi:10. 1002/jclp. 20473 Ellis, E. M. (2009). Should a psychotherapist be compelled to release an adolescent’s treatment records to a parent in a contested custody case?. Professional Psychology: Research And Practice, 40(6), 557-563. doi:10. 1037/a0017419 Glo soff, H. L. , & Pate, R. r. (2002).Privacy and confidentiality in school counseling. Professional School Counseling, 6(1), 20-27. Iyer, N. N. , Baxter-McGregor, J. & Connor, A. R. (2010). Ethical dilemmas for the school counselor: balancing student confidentiality and parents’ right to know. New York State School Counselor Association, 7(2), 17-22. Kaplan, A. I. (2005). Therapist-Patient Privilege: Who Owns the Privilege?. Journal Of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma, 11(1/2), 135-143. doi:10. 1300/J146v11n0111 Lazovsky, R. (2008). Maintaining confidentiality with minors: Dilemmas of school counselors. Professional School Counseling, 11(5), 335-346. oi:10. 5330/PSC. n. 2010-11. 335 Mitchell, C. W. , Disque, J. , & Robertson, P. (2002). When parents want to know: Responding to parental demands for confidential information. Professional School Counseling, 6(2), 156-161. Rehmley, T. P. , & Herlihy, B. (2010). Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues in Counseling. Merrill; New Yor k. Stone, C. , & Isaacs, M. L. (2003). Confidentiality with minors: The need for policy to promote and protect. The Journal Of Educational Research, 96(3), 140-150. doi:10. 1080/00220670309598802 Confidentiality and Minors By Neferteria Thomas

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Sustainable Lifestyle

Sustainable living is the maintaining of one's life or lifestyle at a steady level without exhausting resources or causing damage to the environment. It is a lifestyle that assumes continuous economic growth without irreversibly damaging the environment. Sustainable living is also a lifestyle that reduces an individual's use of natural resource. Having a sustainable lifestyle brings about change especially in the society.It provides us with the energy we need to be a positive force in the world. It is also about taking control of our own lives positively by getting what we need and to what we want, changing direction of the world and not destroying it, setting an intention that fosters and empowers the things we care about, which in the end gives us strength, clarity and purpose to live a better life. Living a sustainable lifestyle is more about common sense & making practical choices.Because sustainable living is all about making choices in the modern world, it is easily accomplishe d by breaking down the requirements of living into the following categories: Shelter, Food, Water, Power, Transportation and Waste. These categories represent all the areas in which sustainable living choices can be made. When it comes to Shelter, smaller homes are preferable as it creates a more fulfilling sustainable lifestyle both Indoor and outdoor. Smaller homes need less utility payment because fewer materials went Into its construction and therefore fewer materials are needed to maintain It.There would be fewer belongings, less debt and greater freedom for those who choose It. As for food, reducing consumption is the starting point towards achieving a sustainable lifestyle. According to Victoria Klein, the Author of 48 things to know about Sustainable living, â€Å"The mantra for sustainable living is: Reduce, Reuse and Recycling†. This way, we have the capacity to endure, save time, spend money wisely, and reduce waste and electricity. We would also have the ability t o simplify our everyday life.One of the challenges of living a sustainable life Is to find balance In our personal lives because for many people, sustainability Is all about balance. To find balance In our world, we must find balance In ourselves and we begin by taking care of ourselves, then our families and environment. Sustainable living Is very Important In the world we live In because there Is only a limited amount of natural sources on the earth and when It runs out, there would be none left.For example, you don't need to take your car If you are not going somewhere far, you don't need to throw away your plastic bottles when you know It can still be used (by recycling), you don't need to waste electricity during the day when you know there Is solar power (It Is sustainable)available. Changing your lifestyle to be more sustainable offers opportunities to save more money, help Increase the quality of home and possessions and contribute to a healthier style of living on the Earth .Living sustainable meaner that whatever we do has the least Impact, the least waste and Is a cycle and meaner that can be repeated Indefinitely without cumulative damage to the world. We need to eat the right foods, educate ourselves (know little of everything) and make friends. A sustainable life Is one In which physical and spiritual health provides us with energy to affect positive change In our society. In order for us to live a sustainable life, we need to find something positive that Inspires us. Positive reinforcement to the g things that inspire us would serve as a boost when maintain a sustainable lifestyle.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Death Penalty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Death Penalty - Essay Example The crimes that were punishable by death at this time were numerous unlike in the modern society, which has first degree murder as the major crime punishable by death. Under Hammurabi code, crimes such as adultery, petty robbery cases, wrongful accusation of individuals among others were regarded as capital offenses. This paper is a critical evaluation of death penalty as a component of criminal justice. Death Penalty Death penalty is a punishment in the criminal justice system, which has continued to attract criticism and support from various quarters such as human rights activists, religious groups as well as the society at large. As stated earlier, it is not a new phenomenon unique to the contemporary society as even the ancient societies applied it even though with little regard to human life. In this context, the manner in which it was applied especially in the Babylonian society under King Hammurabi showed that there was little will on the part of the authorities to offer convi cted criminals the chance to redeem themselves and reintegrate with the society (Brians, 1999). However, the contemporary society has tried to rectify this by limiting the punishable crimes to those of high gravity such as murder, genocide, treason among others. On the other hand, some of the countries around the world have decided, through legislation, to ban the death penalty altogether while others have remained adamant and still use it to date. Some of the countries that has banned it include and not limited to Argentina, Spain and Australia while those where it is still considered legal include and not limited to the US, China, Korea, Egypt, Japan among others. In total, it is believed that more than 139 countries worldwide have banned its use. The most conventional methods of execution to date include and not limited to; hanging, being shot by firing squad, electric chair, gas chamber among others (Bedau, 2004). This is in contrast with the ancient methods of execution, which can be termed as primitive, inhumane as they were more bent towards making the convicted criminal experience pain and humiliation. In fact, some sources indicate that such societies believed in the ‘tit for tat’ and the ‘an eye for an eye’ principles. Convicts were either beaten to death, burned alive, crucifixion while others were drowned in water (Brians, 1999). Recidivism is a major concern for proponents of death penalty (McCafferty, 2009). This is the habit of convicted criminals returning into crime once they are released from prison after completing their jail terms. It is for this reason that death penalty is perceived as a permanent way of incapacitating the criminals from ever committing other felonies. Opponents on the other hand claim that instead of killing the culprits, they should be sentenced to life imprisonment without parole. However this may sound convincing, it does not escape the minds of the proponents that jailing a criminal only lim its his or her rights to freedom but this does not mean that they lose contact with the outside world. In this context, it is true to say that the criminals can still plan with the help of accomplices especially where criminal gangs are involved. This may turn out to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

How Disney Markets Nutrition to Children Research Paper

How Disney Markets Nutrition to Children - Research Paper Example Bob Chapek, the President appointed in September 2011, is responsible for the Disney Consumer Products (DCP) throughout the world. Furthermore, he oversees the Disney publishers and online shopping portals which is one of the largest of its kind in the world (Disney, 2012). In 2007, Jennifer Anopolsky, the Vice President of the company, announced that they are making changes in their nutritional products to remove added fats from the diets. Further, she said that it is their first move towards the commitment of a positive change in the long run (Disney, 2012). The paper will, thus, discuss the booming marketing strategies used by the company to promote their nutritional products among retail consumers. Discussion The first initiative Disney has taken is to include two experts: Dr. Keith Ayoob and Dr. Jim Hill. The former is the Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics and the later is the Director of Human Nutrition Centre (Federal Trade Commission, 2007). They along with the compa ny’s experts introduced a dietary guideline that will provide health benefits to the people and children. The guideline included separate standards for main meals such as non-inclusion of snacks or dairy products, limited calories, sodium and sugar, and commitment to using zero grams added fat. Thus, the people around the world started feeling that the company is thinking about their health concerns such as obesity being one of the major problems. Furthermore, the company has implemented significant healthy options in their Disney Parks to attract children and families. Disney Parks and Resorts mostly consist of the Disney food products which are enjoyed by the families visiting those places. Therefore, the kid meals included standard ingredients that benefited the health of the children. Prior to the change, the default kids’ meal consisted of fries and soda compulsorily, whereas, at present, the compulsory inclusions will combine vegetables, fruits, juices and many m ore choices of healthier products (Bell & Winig, 2009). Snacks items by large are the most convenient consumable among the food items. However, it has been noticed that snacks have affected many people’s health who availed these items. The growing concern is that snacks items are available in each and every corner of a country due to its conveniences which are being consumed on a regular basis mostly by the office goers. Thus, Disney ensured that they include such varieties in their snacks portfolio which will be healthier and importantly will not increase obesity. Therefore, the company included large varieties of fruit carts and nutritious products such as nuts in their snacks. Furthermore, the company insisted on selling products directly to retailers. They created or designed products in their company but manufactured them through the licensing companies.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

My Role Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

My Role Model - Essay Example Eventually, she was fined. Nevertheless, this event sparked the Black people to organize themselves to protest against the injustices being served to the them in the leadership of King. Obviously, the less known bravery of the woman benefited a lot of people not only during her time but also during current times. Although modern equality does not satisfy the hero so much, it is still a great accomplishment that the Black people and other races in America are given greater chances to opportunities in contrast to the situations before and after World War II as a result of her act of defiance to the busing system. For me, standing out in the crowd of powerful and racist people is not only dangerous but life-threatening and so I look at Parks not as an ordinary courageous person but the picture of courage itself. In the midst of adversities, she stood strong and unshakeable. As a result, many people are enjoying the privileges of a peaceful and successful life. Courage is everywhere but only a handful few are able to embrace and use it. Among them is Rosa Parks, a person worthy of people’s praise and

Should there be a minimum age for driving Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Should there be a minimum age for driving - Essay Example Statistics show that teenagers have higher chances of being involved in car accidents and the rates are equally high for death rates caused by such accidents. America, for example has the highest number of teenagers in car accidents. Therefore, the government made it a policy that teenage drivers should have more practice hours, attend seminars about driving and take a written exam before they get licensed. Drivers aged 15-17 are also required to drive with an adult who knows how to drive however, it is known that this is not always practiced. There are teenage drivers who insist on driving alone because they want to reiterate their abilities and capabilities. Most often, parents would give in because they cannot control their children or simply because they are very busy that they do not have time to attend to their children-- which is actually the reason why they are letting their children drive, so that they do not have to drive them to and from school. Left alone in a car, the teenage driver is also left with decisions he oftentimes immaturely acts upon. For instance, once a teenage driver is left with the freedom to use the car, he could also let his friends ride with him which can eventually lead to drinking and doing drugs. These are dangerous paths for teenage drivers because it is known that alcohol and drugs alter a person’s perceptions. Considering that they do not drink or do drugs, driving with a group of friends can lead to joking or even fighting which will affect the driver and could lead to a dangerous accident. Moreover, there is the issue on the use of cellphones among teenagers. Since they oftentimes communicate with their friends, there is a greater tendency for teenagers to be texting or calling while driving. This increases the risk of teenage drivers to be involved in a car accident. One might argue that such circumstances can also be true among adults. Indeed. However,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Persuasive Interview (Guide and schedule) Speech or Presentation

Persuasive Interview (Guide and schedule) - Speech or Presentation Example In my opinion, looking at the limited chances of getting full sponsorship in most US universities, I would advise my friend to purchase the car, then after some time in the job he can enroll for a self- sponsored or partially sponsored degree. When it comes to his car of choice, Honda is a good choice and specifically the Honda legend. There a number of other cars in the same class as the Honda legend but in so many ways than one, the latter still remains to be the best in the race of stardom. These are of the reasons why I would like my friend to buy the Honda Legend, and also a good comparison with it immediate rival; the Fiat Punto. 6 reasons why you should buy a Honda Legend and not a Fiat Punto Its engine performance and transmission More cylinders- 6 vs 4- has 2 more cylinders than the Fiat Punto and the more the number of cylinders the less vibration its engine has and also runs more smoothly. Honda Legend has more engine power than the Fiat Punto- it produces 295 bhp while Fi at Punto produces 133 bhp. This means that the Honda has 55% or 162bhp more power than the Fiat Punto. This also makes it to have a higher top speed. ... Fuel consumption Honda Legend has lower fuel consumption than Fiat Punto. Honda legend consumes 23.69 mpg while the Fiat Punto consumes 47.2 mpg. This is 99% or 23.51 mpg more than Honda Legend. Weight and capacity The Honda Legend has a minimum boot capacity which is greater than that of Fiat Punto. Honda has a capacity of 452 liters while Fiat’s capacity is 275 liters; this is 39 % or 177 liters more than the capacity of Fiat Punto. Honda Legend has more fuel tank capacity than Fiat Punto. Honda has 73 liters while Fiat is 45 liters; this brings out a difference of 28 liters or 38 %. Having this in mind, it is clear that a Honda legend beats a Fiat Punto by far and therefore makes the former a much better choice to settle. Interview schedule Persuasive interview It is my pleasure to have this moment to take you through some facts concerning your choice of car. However, it is my understanding that you are quiet a busy person and therefore will now take much of your time as I take you through this interview. I understand you desire to purchase a Honda car? What drives you to choosing this particular type of vehicle? I would like to take you through a brief overview of the Honda legend specifications so that you can have an idea of what you are buying and also see if it suits your needs and financial capacity. I hope that is okay with you our esteemed customer? (The sales person outlines the specifications of the car) From the specifications that have been read to you, what is your take about Honda legend? Does it meet your expectations? In my opinion and great experience with vehicles, I would highly recommend you to take the car. This car will meet all your needs, save on fuel cost since it is not a fuel guzzler and also offer you the comfort and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Environmental and Resource Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Environmental and Resource Economics - Essay Example II. Command-and-Control Approach The Command-and-Control Approach to environmental protection has given rise to regulations that set limits on emissions and discharges from machineries, and on specific properties and makeup of equipment that may be manufactured, imported or utilized in the country. Under the same Approach, rules on audits and disclosure of information are also imposed. With the government giving due recognition to companies that abide by environmental protection laws, companies are driven to be compliant. Furthermore, companies are spared from the mandatory costs of non-compliance with the set standards and laws. For these reasons, the Command-and-Control Approach can work. (Khanna & Damon 1999) However, it has been pointed out that plain declaration of environmental laws is not enough. Non-compliance should be subject to strictly applied sanctions and penalties for such laws to be effective and for the Command-and-Control Approach to work. (Tietenberg & Lewis 2012) In the United States, the purpose for setting rules and regulations designed to protect the environment were initially declared by former President Richard Nixon on 1 January 1970 through the National Environment Policy Act (NEPA). As stated in the NEPA, the firm policy of the US Federal Government is to establish and maintain conditions that would allow man and nature to co-exist in harmony through the use of powers and resources that the Government has at hand. NEPA further states that this policy delivers the social, economic and other requirements of the American people, both present and future generations. (Wilson 2004) In the years that followed, more environmental standards and laws have been set and legislated. Thus, the Command-and Control Approach of the US Government has spawned the environmental protection system that stands to this day. Subsequently, the Congress instituted the Clean Air Act (CAA), the Clean Water Act (CWA), the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (R CRA), and the Comprehensive environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA). (Wilson 2004) In spite of the many laws that have been made for environmental protection, critics have continually hounded the effectiveness and efficiency of such laws with endless questions. These laws contain the goals for which they have been set and critics have zeroed in on how the same goals have not been achieved through the implementation of the same laws. (Wilson 2004) Hence, the limitation of the Command-and-Control Approach is highlighted. Nationally promulgated and applied laws, no matter how good, can never successfully secure environmental protection. After all, the efforts of one specific country cannot combat the harm inflicted by the other countries across the globe. While we all attempt to save our planet, the Command-and-Control Approach used by governments can mostly cover only their specific territories. The bid of the United States to totally eliminate all production and use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and other chemicals harmful to the ozone layer can be cited as an example. Even with US exercising political will, the ozone layer will continually thin out for as long as there are other countries that get on with their generation and use of CFCs. Due to the extreme damage that CFCs can cause the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Developing a Performance Measurement System for a Firm That Purchased Coursework

Developing a Performance Measurement System for a Firm That Purchased a Supplier of Its Intermediate Goods - Coursework Example The basis for transfer prices is that the subunit managers make decisions; they are required to focus on how their decision will influence the performance of the subunit without assessing their effect on the overall company performance. Thus, transfer prices make it easy for the subunit manager to process information and make decisions. In a transfer system that is well designed, the manager puts more focus on optimizing the performance of the subunit, and in so doing, the performance of the company is optimized (Datar, Horngren & Rajan, 2012). Usually, there are three forms of transfer prices; market-based transfer prices, cost-based transfer, and negotiated transfer prices. Each form complies with organization and performance assessment in a different level. The transfer prices to be used rely on the environmental conditions and specific objectives of the company. In this case, the form of transfer to be used is the market-based transfer prices. In order to develop a performance measurement system for the firm, the following conditions must be met. First, a market or its substitute must exist for the intermediate product. However, this condition is generally not fully met. In most cases, there are a number of comparable products with different prices present. Second, the transaction of the firm’s divisions may not have a significant effect on the market price.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


IN REPORT FORMAT,EVALUATE THE EFFECTIVENESS OF AN ORGANIZATION OF YOUR CHOICE WHICH CAMPAIGNS OR ADVOCATES FOR CHILDREN,YOUNG PEOPLE AND FAMILIES - Essay Example (BBC News, 2007) Butler (2007) reported that NSPCC was able to raise as much as  £250 million through public campaigns since 1999 aside from the fact that the independent charity organization received a total of  £30 million from the government fund during the past four years. Despite the large sum of money gathered to combat child abuse throughout the United Kingdom, the number of children below the age of 15 years old who die from physical abuse and negligence throughout the United Kingdom has increased from 0.4 to 0.9 deaths per 100,000 children (Guardian, 2003; Unicef, 2003). As part of discussing NSPCC’s campaign and advocates for children, young people, and families, the work and involvement of NSPCC in terms of dealing with young people through ‘child line’ and families will be tackled followed by going through its impact over the life of millions of children, young children, and families. Eventually, the effectiveness of NSPCC’s campaigns and advocates for children, young people, and families will be assessed using a brief one-on-one interview with randomly selected children below the age of 18 combined with the public news and reports of NSPCC’s performance. Launched back in 1986 (NSPCC, 2008k), the main purpose of NSPCC campaigners for children is to give courage to children who have been a victim of domestic abuse to speak up against the person who abuses the child physically, verbally and/or emotionally. With the use of ChildLine and NSPCC HelpLine including its online and text message services (NSPCC, 2008b & 2008d), NSPCC advocates can extend their support to children who need advices on issues related to bullying, sexual, emotional or physical abuse, self-harm, and family-related problems among others (NSPCC, 2008g). Eventually, NSPCC will help the callers to find ways to solve their problems. Given the large number of

Monday, July 22, 2019

7 main approaches in psychology Essay Example for Free

7 main approaches in psychology Essay *Many psychologists may believe that each perspective has valid explanations depending on the specific situation, and this point of view is called eclectic. This term refers to the claim that no one perspective has all the answers to the variety of human thought and behavior. Psychologists tend to use various perspectives in their work depending on which point of view fits best with the explanation. Humanistic (1950s-Present) Carl Rogers-Person-centered therapy and unconditional positive regard Abraham Maslow-Hierarchy of Needs and Self-Actualization Unique aspects of human experience Belief that we choose most of our behaviors and these choices are guided by physiological, emotional or spiritual needs. Humans are free, rational beings with the potential for personal growth, and they are fundamentally different from animals. Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic (1900-Present) Sigmund Freud-Personality and States of Consciousness Carl Jung-the most important and lifelong task imposed upon any person is fulfillment through the process of individuation, achievement of harmony of conscious and unconscious, which makes a person one and whole Alfred Adler-IndividualPPsychology, a term which is sometimes misunderstood. It refers to the indivisibility of the personality in its psychological structure. Unconscious determinants of behavior Belief that the unconscious minda part of our mind that we do not have conscious control over or access tocontrols much of our thought and action. Unconscious motives and experiences in early childhood govern personality and mental disorders.  Roger Sperry-showed that if the two hemispheres of the brain are separated by severing the corpus callosum (the large band of fibers that connects them), the transfer of information between the hemispheres ceases, and the coexistence in the same individual of two functionally different brains can be demonstrated. George Miller-The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on our Capacity for Processing Information Physiological bases of behavior in humans and animals An organism’s functioning can be explained in terms of the bodily structures and biochemical processes that underlie behavior. How the body and brain enable emotions, memories, and sensory experiences Evolutionary/Darwinian (Also called sociobiologists) (1980s-Present) David Buss-His primary interests include the evolutionary psychology of human mating strategies; conflict between the sexes; prestige, status, and social reputation; the emotion of jealousy; homicide; anti-homicide defenses; and stalking. Charles Darwin-the Origin of Species in 1850. Evolutionary bases of behavior in humans and animals. Examines human thought and behavior in terms of natural selection. Behavior patterns have evolved to solve adaptive problems; natural selection favors behaviors that enhance reproductive success. B.F. Skinner-Operant Conditioning and invented the Skinner Box Effects of environment on the overt behavior of human and animals. Explain human thought and behavior in terms of conditioning and look strictly at observable behaviors and what reaction organisms get in response to specific behaviors. Belief that only observable events (stimulus response relationships) can be studied scientifically.  Noam Chomsky-Theorized the critical-period for language acquisition Herbert Simon-one of the founding fathers of modern research in artificial intelligence Ulric Neisser-focused on pattern recognition, visual search, brief information processing, and memory. Thoughts; mental process Examine human thought and behavior in terms of how we interpret, process, and remember environmental events. The rules that we use to view the world are important to understanding why we think and behave the way we do. Overall, human behavior cannot be fully understood without examining how people acquire, store, and process information.

Responsibilities and Duties Essay Example for Free

Responsibilities and Duties Essay Executive housekeepers are usually in charge of overseeing the cleaning process of large establishments like hospitals, nursing homes and hotels. These positions are normally indoors, although some time can be spent outdoors at lodging establishments. Work hours are done during the day, but evening or night hours are common with establishments that are open around the clock. A standard workweek for many executive housekeepers is 40 hours, although overtime or weekend hours can be required during busy periods. ASSISTANT HOUSEKEEPER Assistant executive housekeepers support the executive housekeeper and other cleaning supervisors in all duties of the housekeeping operation. Assistant executive housekeepers coordinate, schedule and supervise housecleaning staff, inspect building areas for proper cleaning, and inventory cleaning supplies. They provide on-the-job training, coordinate the housekeeping schedule and facilitate communications among guests, housekeeping staff and other hotel managers FLOOR MANAGER As Floor Manager, you will supervise the work of a team of room attendants or housekeeping assistants, servicing a floor, or several floors of the hotel between you. You report to the head housekeeper, and may deputies in that persons absence (depending on your seniority over the other floor housekeepers). Staff has to be briefed, and their work checked. Reception must be informed when rooms are ready for re-letting, or if there is a problem (such as a late departure, or if two people seem to be occupying a room for one person). Maintenance will need to be told of repairs and replacements. You may also be responsible for issuing cleaning materials clean linen and guest suppliers (soap, shampoo, etc.) to your staff, for their rooms. You will need to be aware of safety and hygiene risks, and alert to security concerns. Your master key/card will open all the guest rooms in your area of the hotel. PUBLIC AREA SUPERVISOR Job descriptions for public area attendants show that the primary duty for personal area attendants is to keep one or more public spaces within a facility clean and safe. They thus may be responsible for removing hazards, dusting, vacuuming, polishing, emptying ashtrays and trash receptacles, wiping down surfaces and performing other housecleaning tasks. Additionally, public area attendants may greet customers, answer customer questions and relay customer needs to other employees or to their supervisor. LAUNDRY ATTENDANT Laundry attendants are essential components of the networks of housekeeping and maintenance staffs found in commercial and public facilities. Common facilities where laundry attendants work include hospitals, gyms, spas and hotels. The duties of a laundry attendant may vary depending on the place of employment; however knowledge of relevant health issues and policies is always required. LINEN ROOM SUPERVISOR Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in storing linens and wearing apparel, assembling loads for DRIVER, SALES ROUTE, and maintaining stock in linen supply establishments: Assigns duties to workers. Inventories articles in stock, such as table linens, bed sheets, towels, and uniforms, and confers with SUPERINTENDENT, LAUNDRY to request replacement of articles in short supply. Counts articles in loads for DRIVER, SALES ROUTE to ensure agreement with quantity specified on load sheet Confers with DRIVER, SALES ROUTE and with customers to resolve complaints and to modify orders according to size, color, and type of articles specified. ROOM ATTENDANT Room attendant are responsible in cleaning the guestrooms, rendering night turn-down-service, giving guest requests and maintenance and cleaning of guestroom hallways, service areas (including linen closet and room attendants comfort room) and guest elevator / service trucks.) PUBLIC AREA ATTENDANT Keeps all lobbies and public facilities (such as lobby restrooms, telephone area, the front desk, and offices) in a neat and clean condition. Public area attendant promotes a positive image of the property to guests and must be pleasant, honest, and friendly and should also able to address guest requests and problems. LINEN ROOM ATTENDANT Job purpose of linen room attendant is to perform all activities associated with the retrieval of soiled linen, processing of linen and distribution of clean linen. HOUSEMEN A houseman carries out general duties in a home or hotel. His duties can be broad and general like handling minor maintenance issues to cleaning up after banquets and other large gatherings. A housemans duties are, essentially, a combination of small jobs that are performed as needed by his employers.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Comparative Analysis of English and Bade Proverbs

Comparative Analysis of English and Bade Proverbs COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH AND BADE PROVERBS: EXPLORING FORM AND CONTENT It is believed that there is no language without proverbs. Vulic and Zergollern in Valiulyte (2010), corroborate this notion that ‘each nation or country has its own proverbs†. Therefore, every language has its own proverbs which are used by its own speakers through many media as in literature like poetry, prose and drama and other forms of daily communication. Nevertheless, some advanced languages like English have a rich tradition of proverbs, because its proverbs have been collected and analyzed academically. This is probably due to the early civilization of the English people, and their awareness of literature and publication. Consequently, English proverbs have become richer and more widespread, unlike the ones of Bade (a local language in Yobe State, Nigeria) whose proverbs have not received any study worthy of academic recognition. The term proverb has been defined by different scholars in different perspectives. Norrick (1985) defines proverbs as self-sufficient, brief, traditional expression with advisory content and secured poetic form. Meider (1985) sees it as a short, generally known sentence which contains wisdom, truth, with memorable form and which is handed down from generation to generation. According to Tatar (1998), proverbs are concise common expressions with literal and figurative meaning. It can be understood from the above definitions that the term proverb is a terse saying that represents matters of universal truth, with a literal, figurative, or poetic structure, preserved through discourse, and passed on from one generation to another in human society. According to Meider (2004), in Dabaghi, Pishbin and Niknasab (2010), it is hard to identify the origin and history of proverbs. Nevertheless, he adds that proverbs ‘†¦ do not fall from the sky’. Therefore, he observes that there is a similar trend of emergence of proverbs in Europe, Asia, Africa and other linguistic and cultural groups. He traces the origin of European proverbs ‘back to the classical times of Greek and Roman antiquity; the Biblical era; the Medieval Latin, and the mass media’. In tracing the origin of proverbs in Persian languages, religion and literature have been recognized as two sources (Moosavi, 2000, in Dabaghi, Pishbin and Niknasab, 2010). In a rather more specific manner, Ridout and Witting (1969) link the source of modern English proverbs to popular sayings of the common man; borrowing from the Bible and other languages; wise saying of famous literary scholars; turning highly idiomatic expressions into proverbs; and, modern edu cation. Over the years, scholars have agreed that geographical location has some effects on the nature of proverbs. Brown (1983) observes that proverbs emerging from the same zone tend to have common features. The same idea may be noticed in Schuh (2005), stating that indigenous languages in Yobe State share ‘a large number of idioms, lexicon-related expressions’, just like how West African languages share ‘proverbs and riddles, songs and folktales’. Nevertheless, this does not mean that those languages may not have distinct properties that can separate them from one another as different language. Because Bade is one of the focus languages in this research, some characteristics of proverbs that are peculiar to African languages will provide the researcher with some rich data to work on. One very inconvenient aspect of this research is that while available resources on English proverbs are not hard to come by, Bade, being the other target language is badly lacking in literary resources particularly on proverbs on the one hand. On the other hand, it looks interesting that this research will set a precedent in such an area with a serious academic intent. Recently, studies on Verbal Arts posted on Yobe Language Research Project have presented a few collections of proverbs of indigenous languages, with Bole (257 proverbs),Ngizim(230 proverbs), Karekare(32 proverbs),and Ngamo(14 proverbs). In the case of Bade, its collection deals with songs and folktales, with no single proverb attached (Schuh, 2004). Other non-indigenous languages like Kanuri, Fulfulde and Hausa which Schuh sees as widely spoken in the state, are the most widely studied, with the last one topping the list with several pieces of researches about proverbs including a dictionary titled Dictionary of Hausa Proverbs. Hence, these few collections of proverbs on the indigenous languages of the study area will benefit the researcher greatly, by providing him with a platform upon which to study the Bade proverbs easily. The basic aim of this research is to analyze the form and content of English and Bade proverbs. To achieve this, the research aims to address four main questions. Firstly, it tries to determine whether English and Bade proverbs have different form. Secondly, it will address the question of whether there are similarities between the content of English and Bade proverbs. Thirdly, it seeks to establish how English and Bade proverbs are preserved .Fourthly, it will ascertain whether there are differences in terms of cultural materials involved in the construction of English and Bade proverbs. Such questions are directly linked to the main aim of this research. By looking at these differences and similarities, it will be possible to justify this analysis correctly. In order to answer these research questions correctly, theoretical framework is proposed. Initially, there is the need to clarify the variables of this research. This research has two dependent variables-form and content, which depend on the independent variable- English and Bade proverbs. It is often possible that in a piece of research like this, two theories may present better analytical ground. Therefore, I have chosen to be eclectic in method, by using more than one theory in a single research. I will use two Semantic theories: Classical Metaphor will be used to analyze form; and, Topic-Comment Structure Theory to analyze content of all the proverbs in my corpus. These analyses, upon which the remaining questions and objectives will be answered and achieved, will be used to explain the form and content of both English and Bade proverbs. The decision to propose Metaphor is very much connected to its history as having positive effects on literary studies. Norrick (1985) confirms that the essence of metaphor in studies of proverbs can be traced back to Aristotle. Saeed (2004) classifies two approaches of traditional metaphor as Classical and Romantic. He ascribes classical metaphor to Aristotle, as it describes metaphor from figurative and rhetorical perspectives. Romantic metaphor is linked to ‘eighteenth and nineteenth century Romantic’ periods, which define metaphor as possibly common material in language use (Saeed, 2004). To set a focus for the research, the researcher has chosen to position it on classical perspective which directly relates to proverbs studies. Based on classical view, it seems likely that metaphor is a universal feature of proverbs. And since proverbs are characterized by ‘rigid form’, (Norick, 1985), metaphor will be of great advantage in analyzing all the proverbs tha t have figurative form in the corpus of this research. The second theory is called Topic-Comment Structure as stated above. According to Norrick (1985), this theory is attributed to Dundes(1975).He adds that the theorist proposed it due to the disagreement of paremiologists about a unified formula to analyze the content of proverbs. Using some English proverbs such as ‘Like father like son, No rose without a thorn, and Better late than never’, Dundes suggests substitutable variables such as ‘like X like Y, no X without Y, and better x than Y’ respectively. Norrick observes that these variables can be used to substitute any expression in a proverb. Therefore, this researcher will use this theory to interpret the real content of all proverbs in the corpus. This kind of research is not rare in literary studies. Different kinds of proverb research have been conducted by many literary experts in English and other languages in the world. Shariati and Teyabi (2012), in their study A Comparative Study of Proverbs Characteristics of Mesopotamian Language, and Local Dialect of Persian indicate that research in proverbs has been carried out since ‘about 2500 BC’. However, this may not discredit this research as a mere repetition of previous works of experts. Certainly, it will make it even more interesting since so far, I have not found any serious research into Bade proverbs. With this fast growing interest in literature and publication in the age of globalization, the importance of proverbs is realized not only in literary contexts but also in media, politics, religion and several other social transactions. Meider, in Dabaghi, Pishbin and Niknasab, (2010), notes that ‘proverbs obviously contain a lot of common sense, experience, wisdom, and truth, and as such they represent ready- made traditional strategies in oral speech and writing from high literature to the mass media’. Thus, it seems reasonable that for literature to be meaningful, studies of proverbs ought to be taken as important as any other aspect of literary studies. Therefore, through this analysis, this research is set to achieve certain objectives which include the following: to define the formal pattern of English and Bade proverbs; to determine the content of English and Bade proverbs; to unveil the ways of preserving the proverbs of English and Bade; to explain the different cultural material involved in the construction of English and Bade proverbs.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Drug Testing in the Workplace Essay -- Pre-Employment Drug Testing

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Drug testing has become a very big issue for many companies. Approximately eighty-one percent of companies in the United States administer drug testing to their employees. Of these, seventy-seven percent of companies test employees prior to employment. Even with the commonality of drug testing, it is still a practice that is generally limited to larger corporations which have the financial stability, as well as the human resources to effectively carry out a drug testing program. In the United States, it is suggested that as many as 70 percent of drug users are employed. Now this is a huge chunk, but as a result of drug testing, these big corporations have a significantly lower percentage of the employed drug users on their workforce. Inversely, medium to smaller companies tend to have more. United States companies, who employ more than five hundred workers, employ only 1.3 percent of the employed drug users, while medium size companies, employing only twenty-five to five hundred employees, have 43 percent of the employed drug users on their payroll, and smaller companies, with fewer than twenty-five employees, provide jobs for the remaining 44 percent.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Now, why is it important for companies to perform drug tests? First, drug users are a third less productive than the average employee, and tend to take more sick days. They are almost four times more likely to cause an on the job accident and injure themselves as well as someone else. They are also five times more likely to injure themselves outside of the workplace, which in turn affects both performance and attendance. Now I?m sure almost everyone can attest to the fact that drugs, including alcohol can cause some serious injuries. A study by the United States Postal Service found that substance abusers, when compared to their non-substance abusing co-workers, are involved in 55 percent more accidents, and sustain 85 percent more on-the-job injuries? (Why Drug Test). Another study conducted by the National Council reports that ?80 percent of those injured in ?serious? drug-related accidents at work are not the drug abusing employees but non-using co-workers and others? (Why Drug Test). All of these facts relate back to the general duty of the employers to provide a safe work environment for all of their employees. Companies also want to create a safe, productive work environment in order ... ...Spring 2002.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   8.) Bryan Jr., Leslie A. ?Drug Testing in the Workplace.? Professional Safety. Oct.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2010.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   9.) Pryweller, Joseph. ?Insurers, States, Offer Incentives for Testing.? Plastics News.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  18 June 2001.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   10.) Professional Services of America. Drug Free Workplace Policy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   11.) Bixby, Michael; Dudley-Beck, Caryn; Cihon, Patrick. The Legal Environment of Business. Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, 2001.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   12.) Supreme Court Reporter October Term 2009 Volume 109 A. West Publishing   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Company: St. Paul, Minnesota, 2009.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   13.) ?Drug Testing in the Workplace.? The American Civil Liberties Union.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ 21 May 2002.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   14.) Daniels, Susan. ?Drug-testing Cuts Accident Costs: Study.? National   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Underwriter (Property and Casualty/Risk and Benefits Management   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Edition v. 101). 23 June 2007.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   15.) Elkin, Sam. ?How to Establish a Drug-free Workplace.? Occupational Hazards v. 61. March 2011.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   16.) Thatcher, Mike. ?Chemical Warfare.? People Management. 24 Oct. 2010. 17.) ?Why Drug Test Laboratory Corporation of America 2003

Friday, July 19, 2019

Charlotte Bronte :: Free Essays Online

Charlotte Bronte Charlotte Brontà «, born in 1816 at Thornton, Yorkshire, is known for her short but fulfilling career as a novelist in Victorian England. Suffering tragedies within her lifetime that quickly would have restrained many from prosperity, Charlotte was capable of redirecting the pain of her afflictions into a creative energy that she used to etch an existence that provided her with fame. Tragically, she suffered the loss of her mother at the very young age of five, and was then forced to endure the deaths of her four sisters and her brother throughout the following years of her life. Understandably, much of her existence "was spent in mourning, in a struggle against the grim realities which surrounded her -- abandonment, brutalization, emotional deprivation, death and the search for reality, for her own identity" (Cody). Eventually, these very ordeals become the foundation for Charlotte's success. After a number of unfulfilling career attempts as an educator, Charlotte proposed the collaboration of a collection of poems to her two surviving sisters. They accepted, and in 1846, the trio published their first book, Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell. Due to the unfavorable reactions to female writers at this time, Charlotte, Emily and Anne felt it necessary to assume male pseudonyms. They utilized the names of Currer, Ellis, and Acton, respectively, in order to disguise their gender. This attempt did not aid in the public notice of the amateur novelists, so thinking it better if they separated, continued to write exclusively while retaining their male pseudonyms. In the same year Charlotte completed her first independent creation titled The Professor, which she was unable to publish during her lifetime. However, this did not dishearten the artist. She immediately began writing a second novel, which in the following year would yield such fame that Charlotte herself was amazed. This is the famous text of Jane Eyre, an autobiographical account of Charlotte's own life, which not only solidified Charlotte's position among her literary companions but also secured the achievement that Charlotte so desperately sought. The form that the plot of Jane Eyre follows is commonly referred to as a Bildungsroman. The Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms defines this as "a novel that recounts the development (psychological and sometimes spiritual) of an individual from childhood to maturity, to the point at which the main character recognizes his or her place and role in the world" (31).

The Poisoning of Our Ozone Layer :: essays research papers

The Poisoning of Our Ozone Layer The poisoning of the Earth’s ozone layer is increasingly attracting worldwide concern for the global environment and the health effects of life on the Planet Earth. There is not just one particular cause for the ozone’s depletion; the accumulation of different pollutants into our ozone layer has all added up and equaled a worldwide problem. There is not just one effect from the poisoning of the ozone, but instead multiple ramifications from diseases to death. The damage to the ozone is increasing with every second; moreover, there are many ways we can help reduce the problem and preserve the ozone layer. Ozone is a pale blue gaseous form of oxygen, in chemical form it is also known as O3. Ozone can be beneficial or harmful depending on its location in the Earth’s atmosphere. If the ozone is located in the troposphere (which extends from the surface of the Earth up to approxiametly10 miles) it is a harmful pollutant and a major component in smog and other environmental health problems. Such tropospheric ozone can damage plastic, rubber, plant and animal tissue. Ozone located approximately 10-25 miles above the Earth’s surface, in a part of the Earth’s atmosphere called the stratosphere is very beneficial. The ozone is a major factor that makes life possible on Earth. About 90% of the planet’s ozone is in the ozone layer. Ozone in this layer shields and filters out the Earth from 95-99 percent the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. A low level of ozone does not protect or prevent the sun’s ultraviolet rays from reaching the surface of the Earth, therefore, overexposing life on Earth causing many diseases. The depletion of the ozone is caused by many factors, but the one cause that will be elaborated on in the next paragraph is the main reason our ozone is continuously being poisoned. The major cause in the depletion of the Earth’s ozone layer is because of the release of chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosphere. Chlorofluorocarbons also known as CFCs, are industrially produced chemical compounds that contain the elements chlorine, fluorine, carbon, and sometimes hydrogen that will break down the protective ozone in the atmosphere. Since CFCs are heavier than air, the process of CFCs reaching the ozone will generally take from two to five years to get into the stratosphere. When CFCs reach the stratosphere, the sun’s ultraviolet radiation cause them to break apart.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

My Lobotomy Essay

There wasn’t many answers to the medical society and anything that seemed to be working, was probably the greatest invention ever back then. I believe once they noticed that people started to change to behaviors, they thought they might have found a cure. With that hope, thats why they probably continued with the procedure. There were a lot of people with medical conditions that were being force to living in terriable conditions, so with this precedure, they probably thought this can help with that problem and hopefully get them to normal behavior so they may go back home. Do you think that Howard Dully may have had a childhood onset disorder such as ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, or Conduct Disorder, or some combination of these disorders? Support your conclusions about this with examples from the memoir. Also discuss why the narrative and its various angles make it difficult to determine, retrospectively, whether or not he had any type of diagnosis. Howard Dully might of had Oppositional Defiant Disorder as a child and the stepmother might of not understand what was happening to his stepson. O. D. D is a pattern of disobedient, hostile, and defiant behavior toward authority figures. According to his step mother, the behavior seems to be a personal issue towards the step mom. When one’s mother dies at a young age, a new stepmother may cause the child to dislike them thus cause inapproiate behavior towards the new mother. Howard seemed like many 12 years boys out there but the stepmother just instantly disliked the child. Howard was just put in a bad situation and this was the â€Å"cure† for any disorder at the time and of course the mother was all for it because it would alter his personality. I believe that if Howard was just raised from a different mother, he was of been a normal teenager. Why do you think Freeman fabricated the diagnosis of schizophrenia for Dully? Do you think this was merely justification to perform the lobotomy or do you think this actually reflects misconceptions about schizophrenia during the time Dully was growing up? I believe Freeman probably did it for both reasons. Freeman, during the time, was probably wanting the fame of the lobotomy, by performing the lobotomy on a twelve year old, and trying to show the world that lobotomy precedures can even be performed on young ages. Dully’s mom didn’t help either. Explaining symptoms that could be perceived as schizophrenia, even though they really didn’t seem like they were behaviors of schizophrenia, could be enough reason for a man that wants to prove his precedure works. What are the effects on Dully of accessing records from before his lobotomy, including notes on dialogue between Dr. Freeman and his stepmother? Also, do you think he gains any peace of mind by questioning his father about his role in the â€Å"treatment† despite the fact that his father shows no remorse and accepts no blame whatsoever for the lobotomy or the effects it has on his son’s life? Dully is offended on how terrible his step mother is. He noticed that he was told to get a lobotomy on his birthday and his mother didn’t hestistate. He couldn’t believe that she was lieing to Dr. Freeman and actually continue trying to get Dr. Freeman to understand that he should get a lobotomy due to some behaviors. When he read about his brother getting attacked from him, he basically was in shock because in his heart, he knows he would never hurt his brother. I think he does gave some peace questioning his father because, even though it took both spouses approval to do the opearation, he know that his step mother was deciever and a liar. If his father can say such things about her, I believe he has a better understanding of what type of person she is and that his life could have been different if it wasn’t for her. I believe in the text, he states that even though his father is not taking blame, it was still the happinest he has been. Explain why good families and parents (i. e. think about Lizzie Simon and her statement about her family versus the harsh world), unlike the cold, unloving parents of Howard Dully, would have allowed Freeman to perform lobotomies on truly mentally ill family members? Base your answer on the PBS excerpt from American Experience: The Lobotomist. Also, describe a real life situation where extreme measures of treatment might be (or actually have been) sought by the family or caretakers of a person with a severe disorder. I believe most families were just looking for answers to their problems. There were families that watched their mother, sister, brother, father, grandmas, or even grandfathers go through changes for the worst and they were just looking for a way out. With all the hype of a possible cure, who wouldn’t blame those family members that were really trying to help their families out. When they made the trans-orbital precedure, it also seemed like a cheaper, quicker fix so many people probably jump on the wagon because of being that way. There are plenty of situations in which family might need to step in and do what is necessary for their family members to be healthy. One example is when a child is going through Anorexia and has the mind set that she will not eat anything because she believes she is overweight. If this child rejects and refuses to listen to their parents, school therapist, and even friends, the parents need to step in. They might need to force their child into a clinic to help them with their problems. They would get professional help and thus, hopefully getting rid of that thought of looking extremely thin is ok.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Term Paper on Leadership

Most executives hook on up piddle laid to rely on a well- be intimaten(prenominal) specify of miens and skills, practic t by ensembley exhibited in the commission they say deep down their police squad up. The High-Imp execute loss hunts executive director Program is designed to abet sr. executives fabricate distinctive dialogue skills that tot exclusivelyyow help in shaping their attractership bolt and presence. When a soul is finale make if she honors mavin as a attracter, she does non regain ab forth his attri to a commodiouser extent(prenominal) than everyplacees, instead a, she observes what unrivaled do so that she ro section existingize who the attractor really argon.She uses this observation to announce if superstar is an honorable and sure draw or a self-serving person who misuses authority to look tolerable and re sum up promoted. Self-serving leading atomic number 18 non as stiff because their employees scarce pursue them, non take by and by them. They succeed in m all(prenominal) atomic number 18as because they present a technical image to their seniors at the expense of their workplaceers. Be K without delay Do The basis of sizable leading is honorable character and altruistic service to your cheek. In our employees eyes, drawing cardship is everything one does that affects the cheeks headings and their well- cosmos.Respected attracters concentrate on o what they be be ( a bully deal(prenominal) as beliefs and character) o what they sleep with ( much(prenominal) as job, capers, and human nature) o What they do ( much(prenominal) as implementing, motivating, and providing direction). People indispens efficiency to be guided by those they respect and who maintain a clear remember of direction. To pass along to respect, they essentialiness be ethical. A sense of direction is contactd by conveying a pixilated day-dream of the future. attracters leading bas e be defined as ones magnate to dismount former(a)s to allow foringly get. every(prenominal) organization involve attracters at every take aim.leaders is a wait on by which a person charms opposite(a)(a)s to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a right smart that poses it more than cohesive and coherent. leadinghip has been condition forth as the touch on of social influence, in which one person washstand affiance the aid and support of early(a)s in the proceeding of a leafy vegetable t look. A leader with vision has a clear, superb date of where to go, as well as a firm grasp on what success looks desire and how to claim it. yet its non enough to nurture a vision leaders moldiness too appropriate it and act upon it.Jack Welch, origin chairman and CEO of General electric automobile Co. , said, Good line of merchandise leaders bring into universe a vision, articulate the vision, passionately give the vision and relentlessly d rive it to completion. Leadership Theories TRAIT THEORY Theories that hear personalised qualities and characteristics that polariate leaders from non-leaders. Reemergence New methods and measurements were pause after the influential reviews that would ultimately reestablish the quality conjecture as a viable attack to the study of leaders.For practice, improvements in inquiryers use of the round robin inquiry design methodology allowed queryers to slang that separates posterior and do emerge as leaders across a variety of mails and tasks. Additionally, during the eighties statistical advances allowed researchers to conduct meta-analyses, in which they could quantitatively tumble and summarize the findings from a ample array of studies. This advent allowed trait theorists to execute a comprehensive and parsimonious picture of previous leading research alternatively than rely on the qualitative reviews of the old.Equipped with parvenu methods, leaders resea rchers revealed the follo march ong ? Individuals female genitals and do emerge as leaders across a variety of situations and tasks. ? Signifi bottomt relationships be between leading and such soul traits as ? intelligence ? ad seriousment ? extroversion ? conscientiousness ? openness to familiarity ? superior general self-efficacy eon the trait possibleness of leading has certainly regained popularity, its reemergence has non been accompanied by a cor acting increase in sophisticated purposeual skirtworks.Specifi holler byy, Zaccaro (2007) noted that trait theories still 1. heighten on a small set of individual attri inherentlyes such as Big Five temperament traits, to the neglect of cognitive abilities, motives, abide bys, social skills, expertise, and paradox-solving skills 2. leave out to consider patterns or integrations of multiple attri andes 3. do not distinguish between those leader attri moreoveres that argon generally not ductile over time and those t hat ar molded by, and bound to, situational influencesDo not consider how stable leader attributes account for the conductal diversity demand for in force(p) leading. behavioural and musical mode theories In response to the primeval chidings of the trait speak to, theorists began to research leading as a set of behaviors, evaluating the behavior of palmy leaders, determining behavior taxonomy, and identifying broad leading fl bes. David McClelland, for example, posited that leading takes a strong constitution with a well- create imperative ego. To lead, self-confidence and high-pitched self-esteem atomic number 18 useful, perhaps so far essential.Kurt Lewin, Ronald Lipitt, and Ralph White developed in 1939 the creative work on the influence of leading appearances and serveance. The researchers evaluated the public presentation of chemical conferences of el til now-year-old boys chthonian polar figures of work climate. In each, the leader exercised his influence regarding the type of group conclusiveness making, praise and criticism (feedback), and the concern of the group tasks ( see to it precaution) fit to leash flairs authoritarian, democratic, and laissez-faire. The managerial grid fabric is too based on a behavioral theory.The feign was developed by Robert Blake and Jane mutton in 1964 and suggests five different lead ardours, based on the leaders cephalalgia for tidy sum and their concern for goal achievement. Situational and adventure theories Situational theory likewise appe ard as a chemical reaction to the trait theory of leaders. Social scientists argued that chronicle was more than the result of intervention of gigantic men as Carlyle suggested. Herbert Spencer (1884) said that the propagation produce the person and not the other room around.This theory assumes that different situations call for different characteristics according to this group of theories, no single optimal psychographic profile of a leader exists. According to the theory, what an individual truly does when acting as a leader is in large serving parasitic upon characteristics of the situation in which he functions. around theorists started to synthesize the trait and situational approaches. Building upon the research of Lewin et al. , academics began to normalize the descriptive toughies of leading climates, delimitate troika lead styles and identifying which situations each style works better in.The authoritarian leadership style, for example, is approved in periods of crisis but fails to win the police van and minds of followers in everyday management the democratic leadership style is more adequate in situations that adopt consensus building finally, the laissez-faire leadership style is appreciated for the degree of freedom it provides, but as the leaders do not take charge, they provoke be perceived as a stroke in protracted or nipping organizational problems.Thus, theorists defined th e style of leadership as point to the situation, which is virtually generation, classified as contingency theory. Four contingency leadership theories appear more prominently in recent years Fiedler contingency sit d consume, Vroom-Yetton close get, the path-goal theory, and the Hersey-Blanchard situational theory. The Fiedler contingency sit down bases the leaders tellingness on what Fred Fiedler called situational contingency. This results from the interaction of leadership style and situational favorability ( ulterior called situational control).The theory defined two types of leader those who campaign to accomplish the task by maturation good relationships with the group (relationship-oriented), and those who convey as their prime concern wading out the task itself (task-oriented). According to Fiedler, in that location is no idealistic leader. Both task-oriented and relationship-oriented leaders whoremaster be effective if their leadership orientation fits the sit uation. When in that respect is a good leader-member relation, a passing structured task, and high leader prospect power, the situation is considered a well-heeled situation.Fiedler found that task-oriented leaders be more effective in extremely favorable or unfavorable situations, whereas relationship-oriented leaders perform scoop up in situations with intermediate favorability. schoolmaster Vroom in collaboration with Phillip Yetton (1973) and later with Arthur Jago (1988), developed a taxonomy for describing leadership situations, which was utilize in a normative conclusion model where leadership styles were connected to situational variables, be which approach was more suitable to which situation.This approach was novel because it supported the idea that the kindred manager could rely on different group finis making approaches depending on the attributes of each situation. This model was later referred to as situational contingency theory. The path-goal theory of le adership was developed by Robert House (1971) and was based on the conductancy theory of Victor Vroom.According to House, the centerfield of the theory is the meta proposition that leaders, to be effective, act on in behaviors that complement subordinates environments and abilities in a manner that compensates for deficiencies and is instrumental to subordinate pleasure and individual and work unit performance. The theory identifies quatern leader behaviors, achievement-oriented, directive, voxicipative, and supportive, that is contingent to the environment factors and follower characteristics.In contrast to the Fiedler contingency model, the path-goal model takes that the quaternary leadership behaviors argon fluid, and that leaders skunk adopt any of the four depending on what the situation demands. The path-goal model can be classified any(prenominal)(prenominal) as a contingency theory, as it depends on the circumstances, and as a transactional leadership theory, as t he theory emphasizes the reciprocity behavior between the leader and the followers. The situational leadership model proposed by Hersey and Blanchard suggests four leadership-styles and four levels of follower-development.For effectiveness, the model posits that the leadership-style essentialinessiness match the appropriate level of follower-development. In this model, leadership behavior becomes a function not whole of the characteristics of the leader, but of the characteristics of followers as well. Leadership on the whole Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. So, leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership tell apartledge and skills. This is called Process Leadership. pic temporary hookup leadership is learned, the skills and knowledge processed by the leader can be influenced by his or hers attributes or traits, such as beliefs, determine, ethics, and character. get byledge and skills b ear directly to the process of leadership, piece the other attributes give the leader certain characteristics that hire him or her unique. Leadership Models Leadership models help us to image what makes leaders act the expression they do. The ideal is not to latch yourself in to a type of behavior discussed in the model, but to realize that every situation calls for a different approach or behavior to be taken.Two models give be discussed, the Four simulation advancement and the animal trainerial Grid. Four textile onset In the Four Framework Approach, Bolman and reckon (1991) suggest that leaders dis track d stimulate leadership behaviors in one of four types of frameworks Structural, kind-hearted Resource, Political, or Symbolic. pic This model suggests that leaders can be put into one of these four categories and there are times when one approach is appropriate and times when it would not be. That is, any style can be effective or uneffective, depending upon the si tuation.Relying on alone if one of these approaches would be inadequate, thus we should progress to to be conscious of all four approaches, and not just depend on one or two. For example, during a major organization variegate, a Structural leadership style may be more effective than a Symbolic leadership style during a period when strong letth is holded, the Symbolic approach may be better. We similarly need to study ourselves as each of us tends to guard a preferred approach. We need to be conscious of this at all times and be aware of the limitations of just favoring one approach.Structural Framework In an effective leadership situation, the leader is a social architect whose leadership style is analysis and design. While in an ineffective leadership situation, the leader is a petty tyrant whose leadership style is details. Structural Leaders focus on structure, strategy, environment, implementation, experimentation, and adaptation. homophile Resource Framework In an effective leadership situation, the leader is a catalyst and servant whose leadership style is support, advocating, and vestment. hile in an ineffective leadership situation, the leader is a pushover, whose leadership style is abdication and fraud. merciful Resource Leaders opine in slew and communicate that belief they are visible and cordial they empower, increase federation, support, share information, and start decision making down into the organization. Political Framework In an effective leadership situation, the leader is an advocate, whose leadership style is coalition and building. While in an ineffective leadership situation, the leader is a hustler, whose leadership style is manipulation.Political leaders clarify what they urgency and what they can get they assess the distribution of power and interests they build linkages to other stakeholders, use opinion first, indeed use negotiation and coercion only if necessary. Symbolic Framework In an effective leadershi p situation, the leader is a prophet, whose leadership style is inspiration. While in an ineffective leadership situation, the leader is a monster or fool, whose leadership style is potbelly and mirrors.Symbolic leaders view organizations as a stage or theater to play certain places and give impressions these leaders use symbols to capture attention they try to frame experience by providing plausible interpretations of experiences they fall apart and communicate a vision. . Company write of ROBI Background of Robi Axiata (Bangladesh) Limited is a energising and leading bucolicwide GSM communication beginning provider. It is a joint venture association between Axiata Group Berhad, Malaysia and NTT DOCOMO INC, Japan.Axiata (Bangladesh) Limited, formerly cognise as Telekom Malaysia International (Bangladesh), commenced its operation in 1997 under the brand name ROBI among the groundbreaker GSM mobile telecommunications service providers in Bangladesh. Later, on 28th March, 201 0 the club started its recent transit with the brand name Robi. Robi is truly a batch-oriented brand of Bangladesh. Robi, the battalions champion, is there for the hoi polloi of Bangladesh, where they want and the government agency they want. Having the local tradition at its core, Robi marches ahead with innovation and creativity.To pick up leading-edge technology, Robi has the international expertise of Axiata and NTT DOCOMO INC. It supports 2G voice, CAMEL phase 2 and GPRS/EDGE service with high locomote internet connectivity. Its GSM service is based on a robust network architecture and cutting edge technology such as Intelligent Network (IN), which provides peace-of-mind antecedents in terms of voice clarity, extensive nationally network coverage and multiple international partners for international roaming. It has the widest International Roaming coverage in Bangladesh connecting 553 operators across 207 countries.Its guest centric solution includes value added services (VAS), quality customer care, easy access call centers, digital network security and flexible duty rates. With its strengths and competencies developed over the years, Robi aims to provide the stovepipe quality service experience in terms of coverage and connectivity to its customers all over Bangladesh. Together with its unique ability to develop local insights, Robi creates distinct services with local flavor to remain close to the hearts of its customers. Objectives of RobiEMPOWERING YOU Robi is there for masses, where they want and in the way they want, in order to help them develop, grow and make the most of their lives done Robis services. Vision & Mission of Robi Vision To be a leader as a Telecommunication Service Provider in Bangladesh Mission ROBI aims to achieve its vision through cosmos number one not only in terms of market place share, but also by being an employer of choice with up-to-date knowledge and harvest-festivals accommodate to address the eve r changing needs of our budding nationLeadership Qualities of a HR Manager of ROBI Inspires a Shared Vision An effective end leader is often set forth as having a vision of where to go and the ability to articulate it. Visionaries thrive on miscellanea and being able to draw unexampled boundaries. It was once said that a leader is soulfulness who lifts us up, gives us a reason for being and gives the vision and spirit to heighten. Visionary leaders change hatful to flavor they set out a real stake in the cat. They empower plenty to experience the vision on their own.According to Bennis They mountain pass hoi polloi opportunities to create their own vision, to explore what the vision allow for expect in mind to their jobs and lives, and to envision their future as part of the vision for the organization. (Bennis, 1997) A Good Communicator The ability to communicate with people at all levels is almost al ways named as the molybdenum most fundamental skill by run into managers and aggroup members. Project leadership calls for clear communication to the highest degree goals, indebtedness, performance, expectations and feedback. on that point is a great deal of value placed on openness and directness.The project leader is also the police squads link to the large organization. The leader must build the ability to effectively negotiate and use persuasion when necessary to ensure the success of the group and project. Through effective communication, project leaders support individual and aggroup up achievements by creating explicit guidelines for accomplishing results and for the career advancement of team members. Integrity One of the most key things a project leader must suppose is that his or her actions, and not words, set the modus operandi for the team. Good leadership demands commitment to, and intro of, ethical practices.Creating standards for ethical behavior for oneself and maintenance by these standards, as well as reward ing those who exemplify these practices, are responsibilities of project leaders. Leadership promptd by expedience does not serve the well being of the team. Leadership based on impartiality represents nothing less than a set of value others share, behavior unvarying with values and dedication to honesty with self and team members. In other words the leader walks the talk and in the process earns trust. intensity Plain and simple, we dont like leaders who are ban they bring us down.We want leaders with zeal, with a bounce in their measuring rod, with a can-do attitude. We want to believe that we are part of an invigorating move we want to sense of smell alive. We tend to follow people with a can-do attitude, not those who give us 200 reasons wherefore something cant be done. Enthusiastic leaders are committed to their goals and express this commitment through optimism. Leadership emerges as someone expresses such confident commitment to a project that others want to sha re his or her rosy expectations. Enthusiasm is contagious and effective leaders know it. Empathy What is the difference between empathy and munificence?Although the words are similar, they are, in fact, inversely exclusive. According to Norman Paul, in beneficence the subject is principally absorbed in his or her own feelings as they are projected into the object and has little concern for the reality and validity of the objects special experience. Empathy, on the other hand, presupposes the existence of the object as a separate individual, entitled to his or her own feelings, ideas and emotional history (Paul, 1970). As one student so eloquently put it, Its nice when a project leader acknowledges that we all take a leak a life outside of work. CompetenceHaving a victorious track record is the surest way to be considered competent. Expertise in leadership skills is some other dimension in competence. The ability to challenge, inspire, enable, model and encourage must be parade if leaders are to be seen as capable and competent. Ability to Delegate Tasks You demonstrate your trust in others through your actions how much you pee and control their work, how much you depute and how much you allow people to participate. Individuals who are unable to trust other people often fail as leaders and forever remain little more that micro-managers, or end up doing all of the work themselves.As one project management student put it, A good leader is a little lazy. An elicit perspective Cool Under storm When leaders encounter a stressful event, they consider it interesting, they feel they can influence the outcome and they see it as an hazard. come out of the uncertainty and chaos of change, leaders drum up and articulate a new image of the future that pulls the project together. (Bennis 1997) And remember never let them see you sweat. Team-Building Skills A team builder can best be defined as a strong person who provides the substance that holds th e team together in common mean toward the right objective.In order for a team to progress from a group of strangers to a single cohesive unit, the leader must understand the process and dynamics compulsory for this transformation. He or she must also know the appropriate leadership style to use during each stage of team development. The leader must also accept an understanding of the different team players styles and how to trespass on each at the beseeming time, for the problem at hand. Problem solving Skills Although an effective leader is said to share problem-solving responsibilities with the team, we expect our project leaders to have excellent problem-solving skills themselves.Leadership Styles Leadership style refers to a leaders behavior. It is the result of the philosophy, personality, and experience of the leader. Rhetoric specialists have also developed models for understanding leadership. The Participative leadership style favors decision-making by the group of ROB I. such a leader gives instructions after consulting the group. They can win the cooperation of their group and can motivate them effectively and positively. The decisions of the democratic leader are not unilateral as with the autocrat because they arise from consultation with the group members and participation by them. good reasons why ROBI started embracing and applying Participative Leadership 1. Participative leadership adds real value to employee contribution in decision making, problem solving, planning and implementation. It focuses on development them on many levels while beautify future goals and plans that benefit ROBI. 2. Participative leadership meets strategic needs/goals of familys by supporting individuals to die their personal development goals. stupefying people creates the foundation for sustainable positive change. 3.Participative leadership is transformational as it wakes the interior leaders in people by reaching out to their deepest resources, expert ise and natural ability to lead. It removes barriers and opens doors. 4. Participative leadership delivers results as it increases productivity and provides a satisfactory ROI . Employees perform loyalfully and is more committed to achieve companys goals and contribute to the long- term picture. 5. Participative leadership is an opportunity for leaders to let go of their insular perspectives and do what is right to optimize the consummate companys capacity, not just their own area.Benefits of Participative Leadership Participative leadership has been implemented in assorted corporate organizations in a regretful way. Leaders are seeing the benefits of acquire their team members to participate in the decision-making process through discussions and deliberations. Here we see the overt and some not-so-obvious advantages of participative leadership that is taking crinkle teams to a whole new run down of progress. Everyone Participates The best advantage of the participative leade rship model is that everyone in the team gets a chance to participate.Like in a democracy, the team members have their say in the decisions that the team makes as a whole. This fosters a sense of compare within the team and that helps everyone feel important as contributors. New Ideas Are thrown and twisted about Participative leadership helps bring more minds together and hence there are more ideas and suggestions that are generated. Leaders, for whatever they are, are individuals and they may be limited in their capacities of thought. However, when several people belonging to different levels of activity are asked to contribute to the value of a particular decision, new ideas emerge.Some of these could be practical manages that people at the lift levels do not think about. Hence, the decision becomes more practical and implementable and creatively rich. Decisions give-up the ghost More Result-Oriented Since everyone has put in some or the other effort towards the planning pro cess and everyone has a feeling of importance, it is quite evident that they leave alone work towards implementing their own suggestions as well. This is a much better approach at making a team do things-make them suggest those things themselves. It becomes easier for leaders to generate results.Leaders Can Assess the worth of Their Policies During the participation, leaders can find out whether there are any constraints or impediments that might come in the way of implementation. They also get a feel of the enthusiasm factor, and can assess whether the people in the team are amenable to the changes they are planning to implement. The level of participation is a direct indicator of the enthusiasm of the team and if the enthusiasm is higher, the plan ordain be implemented faster and in a more effective way as well. A Progressive ApproachParticipative leadership is gaining wide currency right now because it allows everyone to contribute it knits together the entire organization th rough their participation. This is the contemporary approach that leadership recommends and uses, and it has the potential to take organizations towards new levels of success. succeeding(a) Leadership Discovery When employees participate in the decision-making process, current management has the opportunity to see who is stepping up to the plate and who is coming up with ideas. This is just another tool for management to evaluate employees for promotion.When employees are promoted from within a company, less outsiders are brought in, and the employees are more motivated to do a good job. Many companies with defunct leadership practices often miss opportunities to promote from within. A new leader found within the company will be a of import corners savor for teamwork. Motivation All employees feel the need for motivation. Motivation is the key concept for change. People are naturally loathsome to change, and leadership needs to find the halal theory to help people make the trans ition. Communication is the most important aspect of motivation. If employees feel out of the loop, hen they are less likely to concentrate on the main goal of the team or organization. With participative leadership, the employee has more information and will go on more active in the change or decision process. Employers must pop the communication as a come out of faith to their employees. Team Spirit Since employees have a position and input in the decision-making process, the sense of involvement is not just entangle individually but is felt as a team. If potential negative circumstances are involved in the decision that is to be made, team-centered involvement will allow the leadership to be conscious more fully of the pros and the cons.Communication is still important. When the leaders finally make a decision, the team is prepared for it and with its participation, the stress and resistance to change is diminished. If negative perceptions of the change is noticed, the team can diffuse the situation without leadership become involved. Employee Productivity Studies have shown that there is a correlation between participative leadership and productivity. at that place is a suggestion that through communication and participative leadership high-quality performance can be obtained.Leadership that practices the participative model have higher ratings as managers than leaders who manipulate their employees. Participative leadership begins a cycle of prolific leadership and productive employees. This cycle increases company profitability and allows for inborn growth. More promotions are possible and the progress of productivity increases across the company as the team grows. Performance Emotions Leadership can be perceived as a particularly emotion-laden process, with emotions entwined with the social influence process. In an organization, the leaders style has some effects on his/her group.These effects can be depict in three levels. 1. The mood of ind ividual group members. Group members with leaders in a (say) positive mood experience more positive mood than do group members with leaders in a (say) negative mood. The leaders transmit their moods to other group members through the mechanism of emotional contagion. Mood contagion may be one of the psychological mechanisms by which charismatic leaders influence followers. 2. The emotive tone of the group. Group affective tone represents the consistent or homogeneous affective reactions within a group.Group affective tone is an kernel of the moods of the individual members of the group and refers to mood at the group level of analysis. Groups with leaders in a positive mood have a more positive affective tone than do groups with leaders in a negative mood. 3. Group processes like coordination, effort expenditure, and task strategy. Public expressions of mood impact how group members think and act. When people experience and express mood, they send signals to others. Leaders signal their goals, intentions, and attitudes through their expressions of moods.For example, expressions of positive moods by leaders signal that leaders deem progress toward goals to be good. The group members answer to those signals cognitively and behaviorally in ways that are think overed in the group processes In research about client service, it was found that expressions of positive mood by the leader improve the performance of the group, although in other sectors there were other findings. Environment Every organization has a particular work environment, which dictates to a considerable degree how its leaders respond to problems and opportunities.This is brought about by its heritage of past leaders and its present leaders. Goals, Values, and Concepts Leaders practice influence on the environment via three types of actions 1. The goals and performance standards they establish. 2. The values they establish for the organization. 3. The clientele and people concepts they establi sh. Successful organizations have leaders who set high standards and goals across the entire spectrum, such as strategies, market leadership, plans, meetings and presentations, productivity, quality, and reliability.Values reflect the concern the organization has for its employees, customers, investors, vendors, and surrounding community. These values define the manner in how business will be conducted. Concepts define what products or services the organization will offer and the methods and processes for conducting business. These goals, values, and concepts make up the organizations personality or how the organization is observed by some(prenominal) outsiders and insiders. This personality defines the roles, relationships, rewards, and rites that take place. Leadership & Human BehaviorAs a leader, we need to interact with our followers, peers, seniors, and others whose support we need in order to accomplish our goals. To gain their support, we must be able to understand and motiv ate them. To understand and motivate people, we must know human nature. Human nature is the common qualities of all human beings. People stick out according to certain principles of human nature. Human needs are an important part of human nature. Values, beliefs, and customs differ from country to country and even within group to group, but in general, all people have a few canonical needs.As a leader we must understand these needs because they can be mighty motivators and helps to improve our performance. Analysis of the Leadership style/ Findings Integrity It is the integration of outward actions and familiar values. A person of integrity is the equal on the outside and on the inside. much(prenominal) an individual can be trusted because he or she never veers from inner values, even when it might be diligent to do so. A leader must have the trust of followers and because must display integrity. Honest dealings, sure reactions, well-controlled emotions, and an absence of t antrums and harsh outbursts are all signs of integrity.A leader who is centered in integrity will be more comprehendible by followers. Dedication It sum consumption whatever time or qualification is necessary to accomplish the task at hand. A leader inspires dedication by example, doing whatever it takes to complete the next step toward the vision. By setting an excellent example, leaders can show followers that there are no nine-to-five jobs on the team, only opportunities to achieve something great. Magnanimity It means give credit where it is due. A magnanimous leader ensures that credit for successes is spread as wide as possible throughout the company.Conversely, a good leader takes personal business for failures. This sort of reverse magnanimity helps other people feel good about them and draws the team closer together. To spread the fame and take the agitate is a hallmark of effective leadership. Leaders with humility recognize that they are no better or worse than ot her members of the team. A humble leader is not self-effacing but rather tries to elevate everyone. Leaders with humility also understand that their status does not make them a god. Mahatma Gandhi is a role model for Indian leaders, and he pursued a follower-centric leadership role.Openness Openness means being able to listen to new ideas, even if they do not conform to the everyday way of thinking. Good leaders are able to suspend judgment while listening to others ideas, as well as accept new ways of doing things that someone else thought of. Openness builds mutual respect and trust between leaders and followers, and it also keeps the team well supplied with new ideas that can further its vision. Creativity It is the ability to think differently, to get outside of the box that constrains solutions.Creativity gives leaders the ability to see things that others have not seen and thus lead followers in new directions. The most important psyche that a leader can ask is, What if ? Possibly the worst thing a leader can say is, I know this is a dumb drumhead Fairness It means dealing with others systematically and justly. A leader must check all the facts and hear everyone out forward passing judgment. He or she must avoid leaping to conclusions based on incomplete evidence. When people feel they that are being treated fairly, they reward a leader with loyalty and dedication.Assertiveness It is not the very(prenominal) as aggressiveness. Rather, it is the ability to clearly state what one expects so that there will be no misunderstandings. A leader must be assertive to get the desired results. Along with assertiveness comes the responsibleness to clearly understand what followers expect from their leader. Many leaders have encumbrance striking the right amount of assertiveness, according to a study in the February 2007 issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, create by the APA (American Psychological Association).It seems that being u nder assertive or overassertive may be the most common weakness among draw a bead on leaders. Sense of humor It is vital to remove tension and boredom, as well as to defuse hostility. Effective leaders know how to use humor to energize followers. conceit is a form of power that provides some control over the work environment. And merely put, humor fosters good camaraderie. Intrinsic traits such as intelligence, good looks, height and so on are not necessary to become a leader. Anyone can direct the proper leadership traits. Process of great Leadership/SuggestionsTo help us be, know, and do, follow these principles of leadership. This Leadership guide expand on these principles and provide tools for implementing them make out ourself and seek self-improvement In order to know ourselves, we have to understand our be, know, and do, attributes. Seeking self-improvement means continually strengthening our attributes. This can be over(p) through self-study, formal classes, reflec tion, and interacting with others. Be technically proficient As a leader, we must know our job and have a solid familiarity with our employees tasks. Seek responsibility and take responsibility for our actions Search for ways to guide our organization to new heights. And when things go wrong, they always do sooner or later do not blame others. Analyze the situation, take corrective action, and move on to the next challenge. Make hygienic and timely decisions Use good problem solving, decision making, and planning tools. Set the example Be a good role model for our employees. They must not only hear what they are expected to do, but also see. We must become the change we want to see Mahatma Gandhi. Know our people and look out for their well-being Know human nature and the importance of in truth caring for our workers. Keep our workers informed Know how to communicate with not only them, but also seniors and other key people. Develop a sense of responsibility in our work ers Help to develop good character traits that will help them carry out their professional responsibilities. Ensure that tasks are understood, supervised, and accomplished Communication is the key to this responsibility. Train as a team Although many so called leaders call their organization, department, section, etcetera team they are not really teams they are just a group of people doing their jobs. Use the full capabilities of your organization By developing a team spirit, you will be able to employ your organization, department, section, etc. to its fullest capabilities. Conclusion From the above discussion we can easily understand that Axiata (Bangladesh) Ltd. (ROBI) is one of the brighten mobile Company of Bangladesh. It covers the whole Bangladesh by its network. There are many product and services of ROBI is available in Market. At this moment the company is in growing position.But the strategies of the company will make the company number one mobile company of Bangl adesh. So we can easily find out the Participative leadership style of ROBI is a very developed and effective one. As a multinational company for making the process more effective ROBI should analyze the recruitment and selection process of other multinational company of home and abroad. That can make ROBI perfect in recruiting people and the company will get efficacious professionals, that will increased the productivity as well as revenue.